Long-Term Disability Claim Denied?

Our disability lawyers are knowledgeable and experienced, with a comprehensive understanding of relevant disability insurance laws. When navigating complex matters pertaining to disability insurance–such as denial or termination of long-term disability benefits– we are committed to making sure that our clients get the support they need.
Contact us for a free consultation to explore the best possible course of action for your unique situation.

Denied or Rejected Long Term Disability Claims


In an ideal world, you should be able to rely on your work or privately-purchased long-term disability (LTD) insurance to support you when you have suffered an injury or an illness that impacts your work. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Insurance companies are for-profit organizations and as a result they deny legitimate claims, citing many reasons, to avoid having to provide coverage.

When claimants are denied disability benefits, they often fail to challenge the insurance company’s decision or they get stuck in the insurance company’s “appeal” procedure thinking that there is some legal obligation to ride along with the process. Most people are intimidated by the financial might of insurance companies and feel that circumstances favour these companies. Another common reason why claimants do not challenge insurance companies is because they lack the experience to initiate claims and navigate the ensuing process, which is why the support and guidance of a long-term disability lawyer is so critical to a positive outcome.

Common Reason for the Denial / Termination of Long-Term Disability Benefits


Insufficient medical documentation

Your insurance provider may claim that you haven’t provided sufficient medical treatment documentation in support of your LTD claim. It is important to note the denial letter can contain information meant to intimidate and discourage you from taking further action.

Total disability

Different long-term disability insurance policies have varying definitions of total disability. Total disability refers to an inability to discharge the functions of your job.
Depending on the definition of total disability in your policy, your ability to function in other jobs outside of what you were doing may affect whether you receive benefit entitlements. In some instances, “total” may be construed to mean catastrophic injury or illness. However, that is not always the case.
Long-term disability policies usually refer to the inability to complete essential functions of your occupation for which you were suited through education, training, or experience.

Surveillance footage

It’s not uncommon for insurance companies to hire private investigators to monitor people in their daily lives with the hopes of making a discovery that justifies their refusal to provide long-term disability benefits. Claimants must not fear surveillance since it may not represent their everyday life or ability to resume their work. You have nothing to worry about if you aren’t lying. They also routinely record conversations and create transcripts of your calls with your adjuster. The information that they gather about you and your routines will sometimes be given to a doctor that you have never met to get an opinion about your level of function and suitability to return to work.


Independent Evaluation

Insurance companies may want to have you undergo medical or psychiatric evaluation with a medical practitioner of their choosing to support their case. It is important to remember in these situations that your doctor is more knowledgeable about your condition and medical history.

Why You Should Appeal the LTD Denial Letter

Ottawa Disability Lawyers have vast experience in handling long-term disability claims. We help our clients achieve favourable outcomes during some of the most challenging times in their lives.

We have represented clients against all the major insurance providers in Canada in their LTD claims. Our disability lawyers are well versed in matters of insurance and applicable legislation. Furthermore, we know the tactics used by insurance companies to deny or terminate LTD benefits claims and are prepared for the challenge.

We offer the following professional services in handling your appeals process for a denied or terminated long-term disability claim.

– Review of the termination/denial letter, insurance policy, claims file, and medical records. The review will help chart the best approach in appealing the denial or termination.

– Identify the information that stands the best chance of persuading the insurance company to approve your disability benefits.

– Obtain or offer guidance towards obtaining the information required for your appeal.

– Help with drafting a cover letter for your appeal in which we detail the basis for the appeal and summarize the information supporting your claim.

– Handle some or all communications with your insurance provider during the appeal process.

Contact Ottawa Disability Lawyers to handle the appeal process for a denied or terminate disability claim.

Contact Ottawa Disability Lawyers today

To arrange a free, no-obligation consultation with an experienced disability lawyer, please complete the online form, or call us at 6134545792